Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rambling. Lots and lots of RAMBLING...

First of all, this is all new to me. Forgive me for the layout and content here, as this is my first attempt at blogging. I promise major improvements over time!

Family (especially my California relatives) and friends always seem to be asking for more information about what Vincent and I are doing these days. And for some odd reason, everyone wants to see more photos of V. (Go figure. Photographer? Photos?) What can I say? I have about 2000 images of V. On my computer. At work. Oops...that doesn't make much sense, does it? So I'll try and use this site for informational updates and pictures.

Life is good. That's the theme you'll likely discover here. How, and why, would I complain? I have an incredible seven-year-old son...he's kicking BUTT in school (and in his kung fu classes)...I love my family is great and I have the best friends on Planet Earth. We travel quite a bit (I'll update you on a planned trip to Italy in the near future!), and we're still having fun cooking incredible food. Mmmmmm...foooooood. More on the food thing later. Get me started on that now and I'll still be typing at dawn.**

** today's lunch selection at work included butternut squash and chestnut risotto, and homemade alfredo pizza with grilled chicken, provolone and chipotle peppers.

See??!! Don't get me started.

Speaking of cooking, I need to go finish making biscotti for my students tomorrow. What better way to get a student's attention than by educating and enlightening their minds...while stuffing them with all kinds of good food? And people wonder why I have the highest-rated teaching evaluations in the history of college education. Bwaa hee haa hee haaaa!!!!!

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